- Making Wooden Panels for ArtResin Epoxy Resin
- 1. Cut masonite board (MDF board) to the dimensions you want
- 2. Measure length of masonite and cut wooden edges to match that length. For small pieces, use 2 x 1″ wood. For larger pieces, use 2 x 2″ wood so it's stronger.
- 3. Use wood glue/corrugated nails to attach the edges to the board.
- 4. OPTIONAL: You can also use flat 'L' brackets to screw into the back to make the corners stay tight. If the piece is large, consider adding a diagonal cross-piece of wood from corner to corner for extra support.
- 5. Sand corner outer edges. Fill in gaps with wood filler putty. Let dry and sand again.
- 6. To prime the wood, use gesso from an art store or white ceiling paint from the hardware store
- Check out our Wood Panels, made especially for ArtResin!